Matariki Tupuanuku

Today we did a matariki star with Matua Aina few hours ago, The 4 stars stands for Tupuanuku, Tupuarangi, Waiti, Waita. All of us had to design the stars and those black things.

This was too fun to do because we had to guess like “What star is the oyster” Matua aina helped me because I was so confused what to say until he said Wiata and I was happy.

What do you think of my Tupuanuku star? Let me know! That’s all guys.

Dogs Are Better Pets Than Cats

Yesterday we did a persuasive piece of writing with Ben, It’s about how dogs are better than cats or how cats are better than dogs. We had to convince and have to write the main 1-4 points.

And we did a summary of why Dogs are better pets than cats. i teach Ben how to put a checklist box on the text and he was proud, That’s all.

I am unique

We did “I am unique” with Ben yesterday and he helped us with our paragraphs and texts. Ben was proud of us and he even gave us a free green line. We had to be quiet to make this.

The reason why we did this is because people want to know about us and how special we are so they can know about you more and more.

Baking ANZAC Biscuits

On Tuesday we learned some tasty words, it was the most interesting fact experience, We were drooling while walking at the hall. We were so hungry,  After that we ate them, it was so delicious and tasty! Do you think the ANZAC biscuits we made are yummy? just comment about it!

All of my classmates and I had 3 pieces to eat after we finish the other piece,  I loved how it tasted so good, Were such good bakers.